
How to Make Your Home More Accessible for a Disabled Person

by Guest Post on Jan 8, 2018

There is a lot of money to be made flipping houses. Part of the success is in buying the right property, and then knowing what improvements will add the most value for the least amount of investment. However, it is in the area of the cost to fix up the house that you will run into many problems. The biggest problem will be labor, so to have the best chance at success, you need to do as much of the work as possible. The following are a few things to keep in mind about the equipment and materials.

Keep it simple with painting

At least, in the beginning, you should use only basic equipment. For indoor painting, it is not advisable to use spray painting equipment. Later on, this type of equipment may save you some time, but in the beginning, simple paint rollers will suffice. You may need a few smaller paintbrushes for areas that your roller won't reach, and you will certainly need to use drop cloths. Step stools are usually sufficient to reach the top of the walls. You will need trays to hold the paint, sticks for stirring the paint, and paint thinner for clean-up.

Consider plastic protectors for floors

If you are keeping the floor or tiles in the kitchen, living room, or other parts of the house but will be doing some sort of remodeling, you need to consider getting plastic protectors. These are laid down on your floor and are impact-resistant. The last thing you want to do is make improvements to a part of the home but cause damage to the floors. Obviously, this will increase your expenses and cut into your profits. One example of the need to protect floors is in the kitchen. Tearing out old cabinets can create a hazard to the tile.

Use builder models for new fixtures for the bathroom

Builder models simply refer to the generic type of toilets, sinks, and bathroom fixtures that are available at your local home improvement center. These are the models that are among the lowest in cost. However, often, there are several styles to choose from, so they are not always plain looking.

Use low cost materials for the kitchen

Again, low cost doesn't mean plain. There are excellent Formica countertops available in many attractive designs, including granite. When installing a new kitchen floor, bypass the temptation for tiles and use vinyl flooring. This type of kitchen floor has the look of beautiful tiling but is low cost and, equally important, easy to install.

As long as you keep your materials basic and low cost, you will have the best chance of making a profit. 

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