
An Overview of Basic Wood Floor Repairs

by Guest Post on Feb 4, 2010

A small issue with a wood floor doesn't necessarily mean that you have to replace or redo the entire floor.

Your existing wood floor is probably in good shape, with just a few imperfect spots. It may be simpler and more cost-effective to make small repairs than to refinish the entire floor. You don't always have to hire someone to make small repairs. Sometimes you can do it yourself and save money for bigger projects such as floor finishing, floor restoration, or floor sanding.

Replacing a strip or single piece of flooring If a strip or piece of flooring is damaged beyond being sanded and filled, you should replace it.

First, look for nails in the board and drive them as far through the board as you can by using a hammer and nail set. After you've finished driving the nails, it's now time to remove the old board and install a new board:

  1. Utilizing a chisel, split the board. Doing so makes removal easier
  2. Pry out the old board
  3. Remove any leftover nails or drive them out of the way
  4. Cut a new board to the same size as the one you took out
  5. Test-fit the new board to be sure that it will fit in place. If it doesn't fit re-cut the board
  6. Apply construction adhesive to the back of the new strip
  7. Install and tap the new board into place. Use something to protect the strip while tapping it 8 Nail the board and drive the heads slightly below the surface.

Note: It may not always be possible to match the finish of your floor. You can try using stains or sealers before you re-finish the entire floor to match.

Repairing a buckled board Sometimes, due to high humidity, a floor can buckle. You will need to fix this for two important reasons:

1. To prevent more damage to the floor in the future
2. More importantly to remove the danger of tripping

Although not easy the best way to remedy this situation is to access the floor from below and drive a screw into the buckled board (without going through the surface) through the sub-floor while applying weight to the board from above. This combination will get rid of the buckled spot and should hold.

Getting rid of nicks and scratches Usually, these can be covered up with color putty sticks. Simply clean the spot and rub the putty stick over the damaged area. Let the color dry and wipe it with a soft cloth. Most people won't be able to tell the damage was there!

If the problem is more of a gouge you are probably better off refinishing the wood floor surface. You will certainly like the results a lot better!

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