
Adding Value to Your Home with Wood Flooring

by Guest on Aug 8, 2013

When you spent months looking for that ideal property, finding somewhere that has the treasure of real wood flooring is exciting. Yet this classic and homely feature is usually a bonus for buyers rather than a be-all and end-all. If you weren’t lucky enough to snag a home with ready installed original wood flooring, there’s no reason why you can’t still enjoy their charm and character by adding wood floorboards to your property – old or new. It’s not just period homes that will benefit from their attraction. Wood flooring can add value to any house, being appealing for many reasons:

Easy to look after

Not only is wood flooring aesthetically pleasing, but it is straight forward to maintain. Cleaning wood flooring mainly consists of keeping it well hovered or swept to stop dust and debris building up, but will benefit from the occasionally mopping with gentle cleaning solutions. Floorboards are very practical for family homes where children or dogs may track in mud – just needing a quick wipe to clean up any mess.

When your wood flooring is looking tired, it’s straightforward to improve. Refinishing is a simple process of sanding off any current wood finish (like varnish, paint or sealer) and reapplying to remove any scratches or stains. Unlike with carpet, if part of your wood flooring becomes damaged it’s easy to replace just the affected area – you will not have to completely replace the flooring of the entire room.

Durable and long-lasting

If looked after carefully, wood flooring can last over 100 years. There is no substitute to the durability of hardwood flooring which will withstand a heavy amount of foot traffic without wear and continue to be of a high-quality from decade to decade. Real wood flooring is certainly a long-term investment.

Plus, there’s the timeless design quality of wood flooring too. Carpet patterns, tile colors and linoleum finishes all go out of fashion, but wooden flooring remains a classic throughout time. It’s as popular a choice now as it was in Victorian times.

More hygienic than carpet

The parasites and germs that carpet can harbor are quite horrifying if you look into it. Not only do they sound disgusting, but bugs like fleas, dust mites and moth larvae (which live in carpet) are highly allergen producing. A wood floor removes this place for parasite hibernation, particularly beneficial to pet owners. Wooden flooring also doesn’t trap bad smells of animals and spills as carpets do.

Your house will sell faster

The above advantages of wood flooring clearly show why it would add value to your home, but if that hasn’t tempted you into installing floorboards perhaps this statistic will: homes that have wood flooring are twice as quick to sell as carpeted homes! The housing market is a tough place to be at the moment, but if you want to guarantee yourself an easier ride when you do decide to sell up having wood flooring is one way to make your property instantly more attractive to future buyers.

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