
Garden / Landscaping / Patio

Creating Your Landscape Site Plan - Part 1

Creating Your Landscape Site Plan - Part 1

by Dan Eskelson on Apr 30, 2012

Before you begin to design your landscape, you need to put into writing exactly what you like (and don't like), how you hope to use your landscape areas and other information which will determine your general layout, hardscape choices and plant selection. Continue reading →

Creating Your Landscape Site Plan - Part 2

Creating Your Landscape Site Plan - Part 2

by Dan Eskelson on Apr 30, 2012

Creating Your Landscape Site Plan by evaluating the conditions specific to your site. Do not underestimate the importance of this step: a thorough understanding of all environmental factors is critical. For example, in the north, you probably need to know from which direction the cold winds come in winter. Continue reading →

Drought Management Strategies

Drought Management Strategies

by Dan Eskelson on Apr 30, 2012

As a concerned gardener, I have been dismayed by recent weather news - the drought plaguing much of the country has become extremely serious! My daughter gardens in New Mexico, and she tells me that the water shortage is so severe there that all new landscaping is prohibited. Continue reading →

Fall Garden Chores, Part 1

Fall Garden Chores, Part 1

by Dan Eskelson on Apr 30, 2012

In your vegetable garden, make sure you remove all weeds before they set seed - better to deal with them now than in the spring. It will pay to prepare at least one or two planting beds for early spring use...this will allow planting before the soil will allow tillage. Continue reading →

Fall Garden Chores, Part 2

Fall Garden Chores, Part 2

by Dan Eskelson on Apr 30, 2012

One of the most neglected fall chores is watering...once the weather cools, we often forget that our plants still need water. In areas that freeze hard in the winter, late season watering is especially critical because roots will be unable to take in moisture when the soil is frozen. Continue reading →

Soil Fertility and Plant Food

Soil Fertility and Plant Food

by Dan Eskelson on Apr 30, 2012

The most important major nutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Plants require these nutrients in relatively large amounts, and these are the nutrients most likely to be deficient for plant growth. Other major nutrients are calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S). Continue reading →

Winterizing Fish Ponds

Winterizing Fish Ponds

by Dan Eskelson on Apr 30, 2012

Since the pump runs 24/7/365, the area under the falls will stay free of ice until it gets *real* cold - like below 0 deg. F. I added a small bubbler pump near the skimmer to keep that area open also. When we had several days below zero, I tried these to keep an even larger hole open. Continue reading →

Fallacy of a Green Thumb

Fallacy of a Green Thumb

by Dan Eskelson on Apr 30, 2012

Some of our clients have expressed a desire to grow their own vegetable or flower gardens, but believe they do not have a green thumb. This is nonsense - a green thumb is learned, just like other skills in life. The beginner's learning process may produce a few failures, but each new lesson builds knowledge. Continue reading →

Grading Landscapes - Part 1 (equipment)

Grading Landscapes - Part 1 (equipment)

by Dan Eskelson on Apr 30, 2012

A tool that is useful in almost all landscaping is the rototiller for grading your yard. This tool is used for cultivating planting areas and mixing soil amendments with the native soil. If at all possible, rent or borrow a tiller with the tines in the rear of the machine. Continue reading →

Grading Landscapes - Part 2 (raised beds)

Grading Landscapes - Part 2 (raised beds)

by Dan Eskelson on Apr 30, 2012

If you're creating planting beds and lawns on a sloped site, or if you want to create more vertical interest with raised or mounded beds, careful planning and choice of materials is vital. Understand that soil is extremely heavy, especially when wet. The forces of gravity will work to tear down any structures installed to retain soil, so these structures must be built with great care and careful planning. Continue reading →


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