
Choosing Vintage Chairs and Dining Tables

by Boris Dzhingarov on May 12, 2014

There is no way to deny the fact that your dining area is highly important. That is where you spend quality time with family members and guests. With this in mind, it is obvious that you want to make sure that the best possible furniture is highlighted. Whether you want to go for a complete makeover or you just want to add some elements, it is always an interesting idea to choose dining tables and chairs that are a part of the Vintage design.

How To Work With Furniture Types

For starters, what is important is to understand that quality counts. You need to work with a reputable vintage furniture company and you have to be careful with what you choose. It is quite a guarantee you will soon learn that vintage furniture is varied. You can opt for French influence, English influence and a lot more.

Working with different furniture types is all about balancing aesthetic value and functionality with elements that you already have in the room. The seats have to be uniform, of the same design and size. You can find that to be difficult as you surely already have seats you do not want to get rid of so you need to mix everything up so you obtain something suitable and aesthetic. Antique chairs and dining tables will always vary in sizes and designs when compared to the modern elements. You simply have more variety available.

Choosing Seats That Have Different Styles

If you will mix the styles, you need to follow some rules. Height has to always be uniform and you should opt for a standard size. If there is no choice and it has to vary, the difference should not be higher than eight inches. When you go over, the seating arrangement will be awkward. Put the seats that will have different sizes close-by instead of on opposite sides.

Design uniformity is equally important. You should at least have a theme. For instance, you can go for French furniture as it does not vary a lot when referring to both design and size.

Choosing Vintage Tables

Dining table height is, of course, important. You should choose one that is around thirty inches high. At the same time, chair height should match. Always consider how many people you think will use it at the same time. Vintage tables sometimes feature leafed options and they allow you to add seats at a later point in time.

Remember that reproduced antique dining chairs and tables are sensitive when referring to scratches. This means that you should avoid materials like polished mahogany when you have children that are young or pets that may scratch furniture. Pedestal round tables usually have a durable top made out of marble and can be seen as an alternative. Upholstered seats can be chosen if you worry about scratches.

Have patience and in the event you do not know what to do, seriously consider the services of an interior designer that is specialized in a vintage approach.

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