
Ingenious Method to Get Rid of Ants at Your Home

by Dustin on Feb 17, 2019

Have you ever walked into the kitchen in the morning to go rinse off some dishes and spotted ants? Or maybe you've been showering and noticed those pesky guys down around the drain? Whatever the case, you are usually not very excited to know that your home has acquired some new friends. The question remains, how to get rid of these guys? The answer is actually much more simple than you think.

Before we straight into the method that you need to be using let's first discuss things that you are probably trying or have tried and that did not work. Most people see ants, they immediately run to the big box store, grab the biggest can of Ant Killer Spray they can find, bring it home and they turn into a pest control specialist. Unfortunately, the ants are only temporarily slowed down, as hours later a whole new crew of worker ants are coming back into your home. But why? It's because you aren't going to the source of the issue. In order to get rid of ants completely, you must kill the queen. How do we kill the queen? You definitely don't kill the queen by spraying her worker ants with Raid or whatever else you think works. In order to kill the entire army you have to send those worker ants back into the anthill with poison for the queen, and that is what we are here to talk about today.

Most common ants that will be coming into your home will be attracted to something sweet, like sugar. But sugar itself is not poisonous, however, the ants will take sugar back to the queen for her to eat, so the question becomes how do we lace the sugar with poison? You do this with a laundry detergent booster, otherwise known as Borax. When consumed by ants, Borax expands inside the body killing them. When the ants take the sugar laced with Borax back to the queen, she has her delicious sugary meal, and the next day you no longer have an ant issue. Once the queen is dead, the workers no longer come back into your home which means you can get back to enjoying your lovely home, ant-free. So here is exactly how we handle the situation.

You will need maple syrup, powdered sugar, borax, and mixing bowls. You will want one bowl for the maple syrup and borax mixture, and another bowl for the powdered sugar and borax mixture. With both mixtures you will want to mix them at a 2:1 ratio, meaning 2 parts sugar, 1 part borax. 3:1 is the highest you'll want to go. Once you have your mixtures combined now you will want to spread them along entry points outside the house where you think they might be coming in. Around window sills, doorways, along the brick on the outside, and you will also want a paper plate to place next to your bathroom or kitchen sink, whichever place has the worst problem. After that, all you have to do is wait. The ants will come take the tasty goodness back to their mound, and the queen will have her last supper and you will no longer have an ant problem.

Next time you are faced with an ant problem, save the money on a bottle of raid that wont work, and instead look to the cabinets for things you likely already have sitting around the house. You might need be a professional exterminator, however you will definitely feel like one once you eradicate that farm of ants living underground in your back yard.

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