
Glossary of Real Estate Terms R - T

by 411 on Mar 1, 2022



Real estate. Land; a portion of the earth's surface extending downward to the center of the earth and upward into space including fixtures permanently attached thereto by nature or by man, anything incidental or appurtenant to land and anything immovable by law; freehold estate in land.

Real estate broker. Any person, partnership, association or corporation that, for a compensation or valuable consideration, sells or offers for sale, buys or offers to buy, or negotiates the purchase, sale or exchange of real estate, or who leases or offers to lease, or rents or offers for rent any real estate or the improvement thereon for others. Such a broker must secure a state license. For a license to be issued to a firm, it is usually required that all active partners or officers be licensed real estate brokers.

Real estate investment trust (REIT). Trust ownership of real estate by a group of individuals who purchase certificates of ownership in the trust, which in turn invests the money in real property and distributes the profits to the investors free of corporate income tax.

Real estate salesperson. Any person who, for compensation or valuable consideration, is employed either directly or indirectly by a real estate broker to sell or offer to sell, or to buy or offer to buy, or to negotiate the purchase, sale or exchange of real estate, or to lease, rent or offer for rent any real estate, or to negotiate leases thereof or improvements thereon. Such a salesperson must secure a state license.

Real property. The rights of ownership of the real estate, often called the bundle of rights; for all practical purposes, are synonymous with real estate.

Recapture rate. The percentage of a property's original cost that is returned to the owner as income during the remaining economic life of the investment.

Reconciliation. The final step in the appraisal process, in which the appraiser reconciles the estimates of value received from the sales comparison, cost and income capitalization approaches to arrive at a final estimate of market value for the subject property.

Reconstruction of the operating statement. The process of eliminating the inapplicable expense items for appraisal purposes and adjusting the remaining valid expenses, if necessary.

Reconveyance deed. A deed is used by a trustee under a deed of trust to return the title to the truster.

Rectangular survey system. A system established in 1785 by the federal government, that provides for the surveying and describing of land by reference to principal meridians and baselines; also is called the U.S. government survey system and section and township system.

Regional multipliers. Adjustment factors by which standard cost figures can be multiplied to allow for regional price differences.

Remainder. The remnant of an estate that has been conveyed to take effect and be enjoyed after the termination of a prior estate; for instance, when an owner conveys a life estate to one party and the remainder to another. (For the case in which the owner retains the residual estate, see reversion)

Remainderman. The party is designated to receive a remainder estate. There are two types: vested remainderman (one who is known and named) and contingent remainderman (one whose identity is not certain or who is to be selected).

Remaining economic life. The number of years of useful life left to a building from the date of the appraisal. Renewal option. Lease provision that allows the lessee to renew the lease for the same term or some other stated period, usually with a rent increase at a stated percentage or based on an index or other formula.

Rent. Payment under a lease or other arrangement for use of a property.

Rent loss method of depreciation. (See capitalized value method of depreciation)

Replacement cost. The current construction cost of a building has exactly the same utility as the subject property.

Reproduction cost. The current construction cost of an exact duplicate of the subject building.

Reserves for replacement. Allowances are set up for the replacement of building and equipment items that have a relatively short life expectancy.

Residual. In appraising, the value remaining after all deductions have been made.

Resolution trust corporation (RTC). The federal agency was created by the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 to oversee the management and liquidation of assets of failed savings and loan associations.

Reverse annuity mortgage (RAM). An instrument designed to aid elderly homeowners by providing them a monthly income over years in exchange for the equity they have acquired in their homes. RAM borrowers typically may obtain up to 80 percent of the appraised value of a free-and-clear property.

Reversion. The remnant of an estate that the grantor (as opposed to a third party) holds after he or she has granted a limited estate such as a leasehold or life estate to another person and that will return or revert back to the grantor. (See also remainder)

Right-of-way. The right that one has to travel over the land of another; an easement.

Riparian rights. Rights of an owner of land that borders on or includes a stream, river, lake, or sea. These rights include the definition of(and limitations on) access to and use of the water, ownership of streambed, navigable water, and uninterrupted flow and drainage. (See also accretion)

Risk rate. (See interest rate)

Rod. A measure of length, 16 feet.


Sales comparison approach. The process of estimating the value of property through examination and comparison of actual sales of comparable properties; is also called the direct market comparison or market data approach.

Sales comparison method of depreciation. Way of estimating loss in value through depreciation by using sales prices of comparable properties to derive the value of a depreciated item. Also called the market data method and the market extraction method.

Salesperson. (See real estate salesperson)

Sales price. The actual price that a buyer pays for a property.

Sandwich lease. The ownership interest of a sublessee.

Scheduled rent. Rent paid by agreement between lessor and lessee; also called contract rent.

Second mortgage. A mortgage loan secured by real estate that has previously been made security for an existing mortgage loan. Also called a junior mortgage or junior lien.

Selling price. The actual price that a buyer pays for a property.

Settlement. The process of closing a real estate transaction by adjusting and prorating the required credits and charges.

Shared appreciation mortgage (SAM). A loan designed for borrowers whose current income is too low to qualify for another type of mortgage. The SAM loan makes the lender and the borrower partners by permitting the lender to share in property appreciation. In return, the borrower receives a lower interest rate.

Sheriffs deed. A deed is given by a court to affect the sale of the property to satisfy a judgment.

Sinking fund method. Use of a factor by which a property's annual net income may be multiplied to find the present worth of the property over a given period at a given rate of interest.

Site. Land suitable for building purposes, usually improved by the addition of utilities or other services.

Special assessment. A charge against real estate made by a unit of government to cover the proportional cost of an improvement, such as a street or sewer.

Special-purpose property. Property that has unique usage requirements, such as a church or a museum, makes it difficult to convert to other uses.

Square-foot method. A method for finding the reproduction cost of a building in which the cost per square foot of a recently built comparable structure is multiplied by the number of square feet in the subject property.

Standard deviation. A measure of the difference between individual entities, called variates, and an entire population, in which the square root of the sum of the squared differences between each variate and the mean of all the variates in the population is divided by the number of variates in the population.

Statistics. The science of collecting, classifying, and interpreting information is based on several things.

Straight-line method of depreciation. (See economic age-life method of depreciation) straight-line recapture. A method of capital recapture in which total accrued depreciation is spread over the useful life of a building in equal amounts.

Subdivision. A tract of land divided by the owner into blocks, building lots and streets by a recorded subdivision plat. Compliance with local regulations is required.

Subdivision development method. A method of valuing land to be used for subdivision development. It relies on accurate forecasting of market demand, including both forecast absorption (the rate at which properties will sell) and projected gross sales (total income that the project will produce); also called the land development method.

Sub-leasehold. The interest of a sublessee under a sandwich lease.

Subletting. The leasing of premises by a lessee to a third party for a part of the lessee's remaining term.

Substitution, principle of. The basic appraisal premise is that the market value of a real estate is influenced by the cost of acquiring a substitute or comparable property.

Summation method. Another name for the cost approach to appraising.

Supply and demand, principle of. A principle that the value of a commodity will rise as demand increases and/or supply decreases.

Survey. The process of measuring land to determine its size, location, and physical description; also, the map or plat showing the results of a survey.


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