
Why You Need to Have a Roof Inspection After a Big Storm

by Brenda Vollman on Mar 24, 2021

A roof is any top covering part of a building that helps protect the building's inside from sunlight, rain, snow, wind, or extreme temperatures. It can get made from different materials such as grass, straw, aluminum, copper, glass, or even concrete. When constructing a roof, the choice of material may be determined by the house's position, time expected to last, the climate of the place, or the installation cost. A roof inspection gets set to check a roof's well-being, when it will need to get repaired or how long the roof will last. The inspection should be done by a professional because they have experience and have a procedure to follow to determine the roofs' lifespan.

Most homeowners fail to understand the importance of having a roof inspection and spending a lot of money when damage has already occurred. With regular roof inspections, the inspector can troubleshoot a problem long before it becomes a significant problem. It is much easier and cost-effective to repair a small part of the roof than replace the whole roof. More than that, regular inspection of the roof involves cleaning the roof, increasing its durability.

Weather is the most significant hazard that a roof faces. Depending on the building's location, different areas experience different weather, which may cause damage to the roof. For places with less adverse weather, an inspection can get done annually. However, for sites that experience adverse weather conditions, assessment should be after the storm. Some of the conditions that may affect the roof include rusting, salty weather, and hurricanes.

Different types of storms

The different types of storms that could damage the roof include:

Hail storms which are large ice rocks which due to the force they come with they can break through the roofing material, causing water leaks. Winter storms, on the other hand, involve significant amounts of snow falling on the roof. The snow by itself adds weight to the roof, and also, due to its shallow temperatures, it causes the roof to freeze, which could then result in breakages that can allow water in. More than that, heavy and consistent rains also damage the roof by weakening the shingles. Powerful winds are also a threat in that the roof may get blown off, or nearby trees and tall objects may break down and fall on the roof and damage it.

Advantages of roof inspection

A roof inspection may be costly to some people, but the advantages outweigh the cost. One advantage is that an inspector can see invisible damage.

Hiring a professional inspector means that they are experienced and have the right tools to establish even the slightest dent. To add to that, you should hire an inspector trained to check the roof after a particular storm. For instance, a professional inspector trained to check after the wind will not be convenient to study after a snow storm. Other storms affect the roof differently, and hence a professional will know where to look and access even the slightest form of damage.

An inspector will not assume minor damages

Another reason to have your roof checked after the storm is that an inspector will not assume minor damages and will have it repaired. Most homeowners may inspect the top after a shower and notice great and small cracks. They go ahead and work on the extensive damages while neglecting the minor damages. However, a professional inspector makes the effort of working even on the minor damages as they understand the harm they could cause when left unattended. The small damages could become extensive damages within a short time. To add to that, the weather at times is unpredictable, and a storm may come back and worsen the minor damages causing greater havoc.

Saves on time and cost

A professional roof inspection is a great way to help in saving time and money. A roof is left unattended in a situation where the roof may get damaged in case of a storm and may need a complete replacement, depending on the extent of the damage. However, regular check-ups help ensure the roof remains in good shape. There may be several minor damages, but the cost of repairing them is much less as compared to replacing them with a new roof. Additionally, with regular inspections, the inspector can notice the minor issues and salvage it before it becomes considerable havoc. Also, it increases the lifespan of the roof.

It helps one claim insurance much easier

Most homeowners have insured their homes to get covered in case of harm befalling their property. Depending on the insurance cover, roof damages may get included. In case of roof damage, the insurance can pay for the damages. What is more, some insurance firms require one to provide proof of roof damage. Hire a professional roof inspector who may take photos and write a report to help the insurance cover the roof's damages. The inspector also includes the cost of repairing the damage, which will provide the insurance company with the exact figure, and this will save the homeowner a lot of work to calculate the cost of the damage.

Skilled and knows where to look

Another reason for having a roofing company inspector check out your roof after a storm is that they know precisely where to check. They get trained to limit the extent of the damage and the places to check. A person with no experience may outlook some minor damages. Still, a professional can be in a position to pinpoint a damaged area and salvage the roof before it gets more damaged.

In conclusion, having a roofing company that can do an inspection is very crucial despite the extra charges one may incur. An inspector is well trained and has the right tools to see even the very slight damages. Also, they are trained not to neglect any damage despite its size, which helps save the roof from more extensive repairs. Furthermore, inspecting the roof saves you time and money as an inspector can locate the damage and ask for repair. It also helps those who have insured their houses get the damages covered by the insurance. More that, roof inspection helps in a great way to lengthen the lifespan of the roof.

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