
Repairing the Screens in Your Windows

by Guest Post on Apr 12, 2010

Window screens are considered to be a necessity item if you want to live contentedly. Many people from different countries are of this opinion. These screens are quite useful in barring entry of unwanted people and it can allow fresh air to go in to your home. These screens are very weak and fragile. Thus you have to replace them or repair it on a regular basis.

If you want to replace or repair the screens yourself, the DIY way, then it's not a difficult task.

Given below are the things, which you will require to fix your screen:

  • Wood Putty
  • Brads.
  • Stapler.
  • Scissor.
  • Razor Knife.
  • New Screening or Screen Patches.
  • Screen Rolling Tool.
  • Household Cement.

Repairing the screen

You can very conveniently repair a hole on your window screen if it is less than about three inches. Take the measurement of the hole and then cut patches from new screening or purchase ready-made patches. In case of tiny holes, the least diameter of the patch should be a minimum of half an inch nigger than the hole on the screen. If the hole is big then you will have need an inch more of the patch.

From the corner of the patch, separate some strands in order to put in the patch into the screen. Now combine the strands by weaving them and twist it so that it is firmly in its position. If the patches are of plastic then you will need cement on the end of the stands after they have been weaved in to the screen.

Replace screening in a metal frame

Take out the screen from your window and then place it on an even and solid surface that is big enough to back the whole frame.

Take the measurement of the new screen from the roll by making use of the old screening as the size of the windows. Make sure that you leave enough screening on all the corners so that the screening lies outside the frame.

Begin with an edge of the frame to make the screening firm in to the position by making use of a screen-rolling tool. Push the rubber edging in to the groove and then fasten he screening.

Cut out the extra material by using a razor knife after the screen is pushed firmly in to the frame.

Replace screening in a wood frame

The screening will be firm if you use the wedge method of stretching. This is recommended for wood frames and make sure that you extra supply of 1*2 in hand.

Now from the replacement roll, cut a new screening. Make sure that there is sufficient screening on all the corners so that it goes beyond the frame.

Now from the top corner, staple the screening. Put in the 1*2 cleats by mailing the cleat on the base to an even surface or a bench. After that turn the cleats over and then pin to the top cleat.

Lastly staple the whole screen firmly in position staring from the mid-point and moving to the exterior. Take out the wedges. The screen should remain tight. To change the moldings of the screen, utilize a putty knife or a screen-rolling tool.

Concentrating on news and information about compressor filters, the author pens at large for http://www.insidewoodworking.com

Windows / Siding 6826 Views

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